30150 CO-67
Woodland Park, CO 80863
Driving Directions:
From I-25 in Colorado Springs, take exit #141; Cimarron St./U.S. Hwy 24 West
Go west on Hwy-24 apx 20 miles into Woodland Park; stay in the right lane through town
At the North end of Woodland Park, curve right onto North C-67 (towards "Deckers")
Take Hwy-67 north 5 1/2 miles to the Quaker Ridge Camp road entrance on the right. It is between mile markers 82 and 83. Look for these signs to mark where to turn.
From the South:

From the North:

At the entrance, you will see our mailbox and a large brown and white National Forest sign that reads: "Pike Community Group - Picnic/Campground"

Turn right there and follow our entrance road up (to the East) 2 miles into the camp. Follow the signs for parking and take the sidewalk to the offices at our Chapel building.