Support the Ministry of Quaker Ridge Camp
Donate your time, talent, or treasure!
If you would like to donate to Quaker Ridge Camp, there are a few different ways to do that!
- Send us a check! Did you know that most banks will do that for free if you set up Quaker Ridge Camp as a bill payment? No processing fees means all of your donation comes to us!
- Zelle or other bank transfers. You can set up automatic or one time transfers that have zero fees. Please let us know if you need more information.
- Donate through PayPal Giving Fund! If PayPal is more convenient for you, use our PayPal link below.
Give through the Colorado Gives Foundation. Click the link below for more information.
Are you a big Amazon shopper? Set Quaker Ridge Camp as your charity of choice in Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate .5% of all your purchases. It adds up!
Shop for the camp from our Amazon Christmas wish list! You don’t even have to wait until Christmas! Click on the link below.

Any way you want to give to the camp is so appreciated! All monetary gifts are tax-deductible

We love volunteers at Quaker Ridge!
Do you have a special skillset you could use to help us with projects around camp? Do you have a youth group or adult group that needs a service project? Then we want you! We’d love for you to be a part of helping us make this beautiful place even more beautiful! We have a work day coming up on May 4th 2024. Please let us know if you would like to attend. Lunch will be provided.
Please contact Jason at 719-651-3126 and we will be happy to work with you in finding a time to volunteer!